Saturday, October 22, 2011

iPhone 4S case, anyone?

Any recommendations for an iPhone 4S protective case? 

I had an Otterbox Defender for my 3GS, and while I liked it, it was rather bulky. Plus, I don't think I'll be using my 4S as a hockey puck any time soon. On the other hand, Melissa had an Otterbox Commuter on her 3GS, and one accidental drop = cracked screen.

I'm looking for something that will survive the occasional drop, but not necessarily a nuclear explosion. Any recommendations?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Well, one of my Siri experiences improved today. For the life of me, I couldn’t get Siri to remind me to pick up some bromine the next time I was at Wal-Mart. It’s getting that time of year in South Texas when a good soak in the Jacuzzi in the late evening is just plain wonderful. Unless, of course, it’s been a while since said Jacuzzi has had bromine, and ours was nearing the brink.

I went round and round with Siri a few days ago with variations of “Remind me to get bromine next time I’m at Wal-Mart.” Siri had no idea who “Wal-Mart” was, and told me, repeatedly, and in no uncertain terms, that she didn’t understand. So I tried replacing Wal-Mart with names of people on my contact list, and Siri happily set reminders for when I arrived at So-And-So’s house. Hope they have some bromine next time I show up. It then dawned on me that creating a contact for Wal-Mart might do the trick.

No such luck. Or maybe there was such luck, and it just needed two days to arrive. Anyone out there have a clue? Does Siri need time to digest new contact entries in order to be able to retrieve them?


Dear Apple,

Why won't my iPhone 4S simply revert to the reduced set of voice commands that my iPhone 3GS had when the 4S loses network connectivity? 


Even though I've got my Bluetooth headset on, I have to dig into my pockets while rocketing down the road at 70 mph, physically grab the phone, punch the button, look at it (while rocketing down the road at 70 mph), navigate to the settings, disable that I can use a hands-free voice command to call someone.

Who came up with that bright idea???


Some thoughts on the Siri assistant on my iPhone 4S.

Me: Call my wife.
Siri: Sorry, I don't know who your wife is. I need a name or a phone number.
Me: My wife is Melissa Hunt.
Siri: Ok.  Do you want me to remember who your wife is?
Me: Yes.
Siri: Ok. Connecting you to your wife....

Since my wife didn't answer, I thought I'd send a text message.

Me: Send my wife a text message.
Siri: Sorry, I don't know who your wife is. I need a name or a phone number.


So, Siri remembers who my wife is if I want to call her, but not if I want to send her a text message?  What's up with that?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Android Market Alternatives

I finally got on board the tablet bandwagon.  Decided on an Android-based tablet (ViewSonic gTablet).  Pretty snappy performance, but I must say I'm having to adjust my expectations when it comes to "appification."  I've owned an iPhone for a while, and I was expecting as seamless an experience in acquiring apps as I've grown accustomed to with the iPhone.  Not the case.

While the Android app market is extensive, it's more like the hunt for Windows software than iPhone apps - there's no single point of entry.  Not declaring judgment; it is what it is.  It just wasn't what I was expecting.

My primary frustration over apps is that the Android Market isn't installed on the ViewSonic gTablet (without rooting - not willing to go there yet).  And, the Android Marketplace seems to be built for telephones only, requiring a device phone number.  (Whose brilliant idea was that showstopper???)  So, using the Android Market is not an option.

Of course, ViewSonic installed a link to another market.  They refer to it as gMarket, but it's really nothing more than a link to handango.  It works well enough, but there are many, many (many) others out there.  Here's what I've come across so far.

If you know of another Android market, leave a comment and I'll add it to the list.

For those market that support multiple platforms (as well as filtering to a specific platform), the links in this list are to the Android platform section of the market.

Site URL Notes to self...
Android Freeware Good source for freeware.
PocketGear,en,usd/android/index.html Recommended by ViewSonic.  Device specific filtering available.
AndSpot Social network app store.
handango ViewSonic pre-installed app store.
MOBANGO More than apps - skins, themes, etc.
phoload Geared toward phones.
Insyde Market
Camangi Market
ANDROVATION Seems to have archived versions of some apps.

Well, after banging my head against the wall for a couple of days, I came across this post ( which provides a download package and instructions for adding the "missing" core Android components to the ViewSonic gTablet.  Note that I was able to get it to work on my ViewSonic gTablet without root access.  Rather than copy apps to the system/apps folder, I installed them from the G Tablet folder.  Worked perfectly, and I have Android Market access now.